
The Dwarf Spellbook
The Dwarf Spellbook

Gloin's Woodscraft ability heals both troops and heroes
Gloin's Woodscraft ability heals both troops and heroes

Dain leads a force freshly mustered from the Iron Hills
Dain leads a force freshly mustered from the Iron Hills

Gimli's Shrewd Prospector can boost the income of a target Mine
Gimli's Shrewd Prospector can boost the income of a target Mine

The Throne of Erebor
The Throne of Erebor

Thorin and his Guardsmen
Thorin and his Guardsmen

The Dwarf Camp
The Dwarf Camp

Dain and Gloin lead their forces across the ford
Dain and Gloin lead their forces across the ford

Durin the Deathless spurs troops on in the halls of Moria
Durin the Deathless spurs troops on in the halls of Moria

These Riders of Rohan cut easily through any legion of Uruk-Hai
These Riders of Rohan cut easily through any legion of Uruk-Hai

Heroes of Rohan
Heroes of Rohan

Haldir and the Galadhrim fend off an advancing Mordor army
Haldir and the Galadhrim fend off an advancing Mordor army

Saruman inspects the troops
Saruman inspects the troops

A Dunlending Chieftain quickly cuts down the Rohan peasants in his way
A Dunlending Chieftain quickly cuts down the Rohan peasants in his way

A Gondor Captain rallies his men
A Gondor Captain rallies his men

Boromir sounds the Horn of Gondor
Boromir sounds the Horn of Gondor

The Army of the Dead sends uruks fleeing wildly into the ruins of Tharbad
The Army of the Dead sends uruks fleeing wildly into the ruins of Tharbad

A Nazgul leads forces mustered from Harad and Khand
A Nazgul leads forces mustered from Harad and Khand